Garreg Mach Uniform Jacket Materials List
As promised, here’s a quick materials list for what my group and I are using for our Garreg Mach uniform jackets. We’ll all be using my pattern for our jackets and have coordinated using the same materials to match!
Black twill (Jo-Ann) - $12.99 per yard, regularly on sale for $7.99 per yard
Gold silk (Local fabric store)
Black braid trim (M&J Trimming) - $5.98 per yard
Gold braid trim (Jo-Ann) - $6.99 per yard
Gold suede trim (Etsy) - $5 per yard
Gold vinyl / faux leather (Local fabric store)
Single row hook & eye tape (Amazon) - $15 per 5 yards
Flat metallic cord in Tawny Gold (Bias Bespoke) - $5 per yard
Garreg Mach Student Accessory Kit (Dangerous Ladies) - Varies
OPTIONAL 3mm macrame (Amazon) - $8 (I’m using this to make my own piping!)
OPTIONAL Hook and clasps for braided ‘choker’ over collar- (instructions are in included in my pattern! (Amazon) - $8.99
OPTIONAL Black tulle for sleeves (From a local fabric store, but can be found at most fabric store or online)
OPTIONAL Large sew on snaps (Amazon) - $7.99 (Pack of 10)
This is the sample jacket I made when I was getting my pattern digitized. I used the same gold silk and collar trim for this jacket, otherwise all the material used in this are locally sourced and used just for this sample.
Unfortunately the gold silk and faux leather for the epaulettes were purchased locally and sent to others in my group. Though @senjumarus has super kindly recommended some alternatives from Silk Baron!
This faux leather is the same material we’re using for the epaulettes (6) I initially wanted to use it for the heraldry but I didn’t like how it looked.
Speaking of the heraldry - I actually wrote a quick tutorial on twitter on how to make them with that trim from Bias Bespoke (8)! These are the silver trims I used for my Academy Byleth cosplay.
As for the faux leather for the epaulettes you can search for faux leather sheets on Etsy like these as an alternative! I also have a TON of this particular vinyl hoarded so if you really want to use the same material feel free to message me on twitter or email me and I’ll see if I can ship off a bit of it for $6 + shipping!
All accessories and hardware (except the tiara and tome corners) were painted using Lumiere Jacquard Metallic Gold in True Gold
The cod piece in indoor yellow lighting
Not pictured are some other notions I’ve used while making the sample jacket and the paints we used. In the photo I already painted some of the hardware with a different gold than the one my group is actually going to end up using. We’re using Lumiere Jacquard Metallic Gold in True Gold which I’ve used in literally all my Fire Emblem cosplays to date!
Other notions and materials not photographed are the buttons and padding we’re using for the epaulettes. As of writing this we actually haven’t decided on what buttons to use for the epaulettes as a group. We were considering using the buttons I used on the sample jacket which I also got from a local fabric store though these buttons on Etsy seem to be the same kind!
As for padding - I also got the thick wool locally but any thick felt would work too.
The padding behind the epaulettes on my Academy Byleth cosplay
And one last thing - I absolutely hate hand sewing so I used an open toe presser foot to machine sew that tricky hook and eye tape! I’ve also mentioned this in the pattern instructions but I also use double sided quilter’s tape to set the hook and eye tape as well as the trim and fringe on the sleeves and epaulettes. No pinning needed and you can sew right through it!